Pontoon boats are tons of fun, we love them! They’re floating living rooms. But similar to driving your living room around, sometimes driving your pontoon boat can be… an experience!
It’s not uncommon to experience a nose dive when hitting the throttle on your ‘toon. What’s up with that?
In this article, we’ll explain how to stop your pontoons from nose diving.
You need to make sure your weight distribution is acceptable, and that your motor is properly sized for your toon.
We’ll explain it all below.
Pontoon Power!
Pontoon boats are typically used for recreational purposes such as fishing and leisure boating. They are also used in military applications like amphibious vehicles.
Pontoon boats are different from traditional boats because they are more stable and durable, easier to transport, cheaper to build, and lighter in weight than traditional boats.
They are powered through outboard motors and usually carry up to six people.
Toons are popular in lakes, rivers, bays, and coastal waters for their stability and ease of use. Generally, a pontoon boat has four points of support: two pontoons, the kingpost, and the hull.
Pontoons are popular in lakes, rivers, and coastal waters for their stability and ease of use.
The hull is made of wood or composite materials such as fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP). The pontoons are sometimes hollow, and sometimes filled with foam.
Meanwhile, the purpose of a pontoon boat depends on its design: some have no cabin and are used for fishing; others have cabins for passengers and are used for recreation or sightseeing.
How to Stop Your Pontoons From Nose Diving
When the pontoons are submerged in water, they act as hydrofoils which cause the boat to nose dive. The pontoon nose dive is a popular term in the boating industry that refers to when a boat goes underwater, nose-first. It happens when there is enough weight on the front of the craft to submerge it below its normal depth.
Such nose dives are dangerous because they can result in capsizing or flipping over.
When the pontoons are submerged in water, they act as hydrofoils.
Everyone should know about various reasons for pontoon nose-diving to prevent any unexpected accident. Here are some of the major reasons that can lead to nose dives:
1. Too Much Weight
Nose-diving is a common accident in pontoon boats due to overloading. Generally, when a boat with considerable weight on the front end falls into the water, it indicates that the boat is sinking and needs immediate attention. Pontoons can carry a lot of weight, as they look very spacious and sturdy.
However, this often leads to overloading the boat, rendering it at risk of nose-diving.
The weight limit varies from model to model and is also mentioned on the boats for safety purposes. You may also contact your manufacturer to know the weight limit of your pontoon if it is not clearly stated.
In addition, you can look at the waterline to determine if your boat is overloaded or not. If the tube is going deeper in the water and the deck is coming closer to the water surface, then there is a possibility that your pontoon will nose dive. Hence, the waterline should always stay below the middle of the pontoon.
The waterline should always stay below the middle of the pontoon.
2. Bad Weight Distribution
Weight distribution is a key factor in the performance of your pontoon. Bad weight distribution can lead to nose-diving and other dangerous consequences.
Pontoon boats are known for their practical and sturdy design, so weight distribution is often overlooked. Consequently, it is critical to have an optimal weight distribution so that the pontoon can handle all waves without tipping over. That includes keeping the center of gravity low and balancing the weight throughout the boat.
Ensure nobody sits in the form of a large group in front of the pontoon. Keep in mind that the front of the boat should always be higher than the back of the pontoon.
Also, ensure that the heavier seats are rearranged before the journey begins.
3. Water in Pontoon Tube
Sometimes water becomes the most common cause of death in a pontoon tube. A pontoon tube is a rigid horizontal structure that is either foam or air-filled. The tubes contain separate sections so that if one of them is filled with water, the entire tube is not affected or damaged. However, if a hole is formed on the front side of the tube, then the boat is more susceptible to sinking.
Before initiating the journey, always check the drain plug on your pontoon tube to confirm that there is no water inside. A small patch can also prevent the water from getting inside the tube.
4. Wrong Motor Type
Another major factor for pontoon nose-diving is attaching the wrong motor type to your boat. There are different types of boat motors available. Some of them can be too powerful for the boat, and others might not be powerful enough.
Always check your manual to ensure that the engine you’re buying is compatible with your boat!
If the motor attached to the pontoon is not powerful enough, it will inappropriately lift the bow and prevent it from planing or leveling upon acceleration. Whereas, if the attached motor is too powerful, the thrust will force the bow to the extent that it crashes into the water, leading to a nose dive. Thus, use a suitable motor type for your pontoon to prevent nose-diving.
Convert to a TriToon
If you see your pontoon developing a tendency for nose-diving, you can prevent this by attaching an approximately 10-foot-sized “pony toon” to the front center of the boat. The pony toon is bolted below the front of the boat to reduce the nose-diving effect.
In effect, it turns your two-pontoon boat into a three-pontoon boat or TriToon, and significantly increases flotation.
This slight modification is considered a very effective solution and can prevent your pontoon from nose-diving in the future.
If your pontoon boat is overloaded or improperly operated, you can run into issues with your toon nose-diving. This is a dangerous situation and could cause the boat to capsize and could lead to loss of life or major damage to your pontoon boat.
Be sure you’re running with the proper weight distribution, and make sure your engine is the proper size for your toon.
If you’re still struggling, consider adding another central “pony” pontoon.