If you own a pontoon boat or you wish to own one, you may be interested in learning about the potential hazards of operating one.
One question you may have is, “can a pontoon boat flip over”?
In general, pontoon boats are relatively stable vessels that cut through light waves. They hardly ever nosedive or capsize. Yet, when exposed to stormy weather, sailing in modern pontoon boats can be dangerous.
This is what baffles a lot of boaters who will want to know if their pontoon boat can flip over.
You may love sailing, fishing, and engaging in your favorite watersport. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you will often think of the possibility of your boat flipping over; we all do.
In this article, we will go over how to ensure your pontoon boat doesn’t flip over. We’ll also cover more information about pontoon boats and how to drive them safely.
Can A Pontoon Boat Flip Over? What You Should Know
Pontoon boats are relatively stable due to their design. While a pontoon boat can flip over, it rarely ever happens. There are very few cases of such an occurrence. But not all pontoon boats will flip over; in fact, most will not.
Although it will be wrong to say that it can never happen, the chances of this happening are very slim. While boat crashes are not uncommon, a pontoon boat flipping over is pretty rare, unless it is incorrectly operated.
While boat crashes are not uncommon, a pontoon boat flipping over is pretty rare, unless it is incorrectly operated.
We can say for sure that pontoon boats are not suitable for large waves common in oceans and seas. This is because of the type of pontoon tubes. The design is vulnerable to rough weather and waves.
Steering in rough water can be incredibly difficult.
Even still, pontoon boat flips are still a very rare occurrence. The same is the case for traditional v hull boats.
Causes Of Pontoon Boat Flipping Over
For a pontoon nose dive to occur the water will need to be really rough. These vessels don’t do well in stormy weather.
This is why boaters are advised not to take their boats out when the water is unstable, and to keep their toon in inland water or in calm bays.
In rough water, a toon may nosedive, and it is vulnerable to going head-on into waves which can cause it to tip.
Another situation that may cause pontoon boats to tip over is when it is exposed to massive waves, often caused by larger vessels like cargo ships. When large vessels are moving quickly, they cause large waves.
This may pose dangers to smaller vessels.
So, if you drive your toon in harbors or with larger vessels, you are prone to man-made accidents.
What Are Safe Ways To Handle Your Pontoon Boat In Large Waves?
When it comes to boating in general, there are vital safety measures to follow. But for pontoon boats, there are a few peculiarities.
Knowing how to handle a pontoon boat safely is crucial to your well-being. Ideally, you should also have a designated “first mate” who also knows how to operate the boat.
Here are clever tips to bear in mind.
1. Move With The Pace of The Waves
When faced with waves try to go with the flow! Move with the pace of the waves, don’t try to go way faster. Despite the stable nature of the boat, it is not a lightweight speed boat that bounces off the waves in full power.
Go steady and let your speed match the waves. Also, take note of the direction the wind and be prepared for changes in wind direction. The wind will often move in the same direction as the waves.
2. Keep The Bow Above Water Level
Another way to handle your pontoon boat well and safely is to keep the bow above water at all times. You can do this by trimming the motor to lift it. This is a safety practice all pontoon boaters should practice.
The good news is that pontoon boats handle poor weather better than many traditional boats.
3. Take Waves At Angles
When boating across waves on a toon, take the waves at an angle and try not to go under them! You don’t want to plow right into them. If faced with very strong waves, going under can expose you and the boat to risks you are not prepared for.
Try to stay on top of the waves, not go under them. Always a good rule when driving anything other than a submarine.
Before you leave the shore, always double-check that your phone is charged, and keep a handheld marine radio or other communication systems at hand.
But the good news is that pontoon boats are generally safe and will excel in normal conditions. Especially in stable waters. Risks only come into play in stormy weather and high seas. Knowing the weather and water bodies to avoid is crucial.
Conditions To Avoid In A Pontoon Boat
Remember the popular saying, “Never bring a knife to a gunfight”? We can translate this quote to boating by pointing out conditions to avoid when driving pontoon boats.
In the previous paragraph, we reviewed some of the things you should and should not do when sailing your pontoon boat. This is to drastically reduce the risk of it flipping over.
In this section, we want to review the condition to avoid using a pontoon boat.
1. Be Aware of High Winds
Using a pontoon boat in high winds is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. It is an unwise move that will leave you exposed to the mercy of the weather. Pontoon boats are not built for strong winds. We do know that strong winds will take the vessel off course.
The ideal wind to drive a pontoon boat is 15mph or less. If the wind is more than that, you should stay docked or anchored until the weather stabilizes.
Maneuvering a pontoon boat in high winds is very difficult.
2. Track the Tide (If You’re In a Tidal Area)
The depth of water changes with the tide, especially in coastal areas, so pay attention to this.
When traveling in coastal areas, be mindful of shallow depths. You don’t want to ground the boat by accident.
3. Stay Tuned To Weather Channels
You should always stay tuned to the weather channel. This is to stay abreast of ever-changing weather patterns. Some boaters think this is only necessary before going for a ride, but this is not true.
The weather forecast may be favorable before you take off, but after a few hours, the weather may take a huge turn. Having firsthand knowledge about the changes will help you react quickly.
Head home before you are caught out in a storm.
4. Avoid Lightning And Thunder Like The Plague
Avoid going out when there is lightning and thunder as they herald the coming of a storm.
Most ‘toons are made of aluminum, and you should not be on your aluminum pontoon boat on a lake where lightinging could strike.
‘Nuff said.
Taking Your Pontoon On The Open Ocean
Is it safe to take your pontoon boat out on the open ocean? The answer is NO. This vessel is not designed for large water bodies and strong waves. But if you choose to do so, the safest move is to stick very close to shore.
Driving in bays, inlets, and coastal areas is your best move in case of an accident. Being close to land will help you react quickly, and you may be rescued before you go down with the boat!
The ability of a pontoon boat to handle strong waves is relative to its size and design. Bigger boats can handle larger waves than smaller ones. But you don’t want to test it out too much!
Going on the ocean in a toon is not recommended, especially for newbies.
Can a pontoon boat flip over? Yes, it may, but it rarely ever happens, and there are only very few recorded cases of such an occurrence in the last several years.
However, to be on the safe side, you should avoid taking your boat out when the weather is bad, and stay the heck away from the open ocean!
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